Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Kite Runner 2

The Kite Runner is an amazing book unlike anything I have ever read before. The author describes certain events in a raw but accurate way that pulls the reader into the event. For example, when Amir walks into the hotel bathroom and finds Sohrab in the bathtub soaking in bloody bathwater. The author writes it as if you were standing there looking at Sohrab next to Amir. It is a disturbing feeling yet it makes the book come to life. My favorite part of the entire book is when Amir meets with the "Talib Official," who is really Assef from his childhood. The meeting forces Amir to stand up for himself to defend what he loves and cares for. I really liked how the author described the fight scene from Amir's point of view. It really made you feel like you were a part of the action. I think that the best part of the fight scene is when Sohrab has his slingshot pulled pack pointed directly at Assef's left eye, just as his father had done so many years ago. It shows the connection between Amir, Hassan, and Sohrab and that Amir and Sohrab are connected for the rest of their lives because of what happened in that room. The Kite Runner is a powerful, exquisitely written book and I would recommend it to everyone.

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